Exploring Mindfulness -Based Therapies (MBT) | Bhante Sanāthavihārī |

By Bhante Sumitta |

Exploring Mindfulness -Based Therapies (MBT) | Bhante Sanāthavihārī |

Special Dhamma Talk Series | Episode #96

This Weekly Special Dhamma Talk series is conducted by renowned Buddhist monks from around the world and it is aimed at helping Dhamma USA community to expand their Dhamma knowledge. Join us every Sunday at PDT 6:00 AM | EST 9:00 AM | China Time & SST: 10:00 PM | IST: 6:30 PM | ICT & WIB: 8:00 PM | MMT/GMT+5:00 – 07:30 PM

This Weekly Dhamma Talk Series is conducted by renowned Buddhist monks from around the world and it is dedicated to help our Dhamma USA community to expand their understanding of the Buddha Dhamma. This online sessions are held on every Sunday at 6:00 AM (PDT), 9:00 AM (EST), 6:30 PM (IST), 7:30 PM (MMT) through Dhamma USA YouTube Channel & other social media platforms. All free of cost. Please mark your calendar today to be more benefited through this precious Dhamma sharing sessions.

Ep #96 | June 6, 2024

Special Dhamma Talk Series | Ep. #96

Topic: Exploring Mindfulness -Based Therapies (MBT)

Speaker: Bhante Sanāthavihārī

Day: Sunday, June 6, 2024

Time: PDT 6:00 AM | EST 9:00 AM | China Time & SST: 10:00 PM | IST: 6:30 PM | ICT & WIB: 8:00 PM | MMT/GMT+5:00 – 07:30 PM

Medium: English

Host: Dulani / Selviana / Archana

Watch Live: Dhamma USA YouTube Channel & Dhamma USA Social Media Platforms

Bhante Sanāthavihārī

Brief Resume of Bhante Sanāthavihārī

(Mexican-American Theravāda monk|Founder of Casa De Bhavana)

Bhante Sanāthāvihārī is a Mexican-American Theravāda monk at the Sarathchandra Buddhist Center in North Hollywood. He is a student of the late Dr. Bhante Madawela Puññaji and the founder of Casa De Bhavana–an outreach project to bring the Dhamma to the Spanish-speaking world. He is also the co-author of Buddhism in 10 Steps. Bhante is a U.S. Air Force veteran who served in the Air Force for nine years and was deployed three times. Bhante has a B.A. in Religion and an M.S. in Counseling Psychology (Marriage Family Therapy). He is also a certified facilitator in Mindfulness-Based Substance Abuse Treatment for Adolescents and Mindfulness in Recovery. Bhante was also an assistant researcher in the Mindfulness lab at Mount Saint Mary’s University Los Angeles. Bhante is currently enrolled in the Buddhist Chaplaincy program at Upaya Zen Center.

Click here for the previous Dhamma Talks of this series.

Ep. #96 Details:

June 6, 2024 (Sunday)


6:00 am (Pacific Time)

10:00 am (Eastern Standard Time)

6:30 pm (Indian Standard Time – Sri Lanka & India)

7:30 pm (MMT – Myanmar)

Platform to Join:

Dhamma USA YouTube Channel

Dhamma USA Facebook Page

For More Info:

email Dhamma USA | info@dhammausa.com

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