Introduction to Mindfulness | Ven. Brisbane Dhammarakkhita | Week 27 | Dhamma USA

By Bhante Sumitta |

Special Dhamma Talk Series – Week 27

This Weekly Dhamma Talk Series is conducted by renowned Buddhist monks from around the world and it is dedicated to help our Dhamma USA community to expand their understanding of the Buddha Dhamma. This online sessions are held on every Sunday at 7:30 AM (PST), 10:30 AM (EST), through Dhamma USA YouTube Channel & other social media platforms. All free of cost. Please mark your calendar today to be more benefited through this precious Dhamma sharing sessions.

Week 27 | October 23, 2022

Special Dhamma Talk Series | Week 27

Topic: Introduction to Mindfulness

Speaker: Venerable Brisbane Dhammarakkhita

Day: Sunday, October 23, 2022

Time: PST 7:30 AM | EST 10:30 PM | China Time & SST: 12:30 PM | IST: 9:30 PM | ICT & WIB: 11:00 PM

Medium: English

Host: Poonam Sood / Thinuri Fernando / Yudi Ortega Lopez

Watch Live: Dhamma USA YouTube Channel & Dhamma USA Social Media Platforms

Venerable Brisbane Dhammarakkhita

Venerable Sumana

  • Ven. Dhammarakkhita is the founder of “Sama Hitha Mindfulness Group” registered in Australia, where the venerable usually resides.

He is originally from Sri Lanka and migrated as an accounting professional about 17 years ago to Australia, where he had a successful career. 

As a lay person, he has been seriousely practicing meditation and mindfulness for over 22 years under many different teachers until he found his current teacher, Most Venerable U Dhammajiva. His dedication and understanding of the practice and teaching gained him the attention of fellow meditators who started to rely upon him for the advancement of their practices. This has paved the way for the venerable to start “Sama Hitha Mindfulness Group”  and carry on formal teaching of mindfulness as a lay person. 

He has been teaching now for over 6 years in Australia, Sri Lanka, Canada and the Middle East, where he periodically conducts full-time programmes. In addition, the teacher is  conducting half- day virtual sessions to the followers in the above locations on a weekly basis. He bas been a regular speaker on mindfulness in Nepalese Buddhist Association and Queensland Sangha Association

About a couple of years ago, he renounced his luxury to dedicate himself to the Sasana and fulltime practice and teaching. He is a resident monk in Sri Lanka Buddhist Vihara in Brisbane. Currently, he lives in Nissarana Vanaya , Sri Lanka

Click here for the previous Dhamma Talks of this series.

Week 27 Details:

October 23, 2022 (Sunday)


7:30 am (Pacific Time)

10:30 am (Eastern Standard Time)

8:00 pm (Indian Standard Time – Sri Lanka & India)

Platform to Join:

Dhamma USA YouTube Channel

Dhamma USA Facebook Page

IIT YouTube Channel

IIT Facebook Page

For More Info:

email Dhamma USA |

Here are the links to the Dhamma Talks by IIT

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